Rome. The home of the god's messenger (albeit in his own country). Home to some of the most glorious artworks conceived in man kinds history. Home to a myriad of street performers. Home to culture.
This quickly became my favourite city in Italy due mainly to the abundance of things to do. From galleries to cafes, and everything in between, Rome has it all covered. The history of this once great empire is for everyone to see, including the many Egyptian artefacts pilfered from the banks of the Nile.
The Vatican is a place that has always held my interest. although being remarkably non-religious, I was curious to see this country for myself. it did not disappoint. the opulence of this place coupled with the immense history and wealth is something to behold. Although it does make you wonder how the church hasn't cured world poverty when they can have golden door knobs and guards dressed like something out of Shrek.
The Colosseum captivated my imagination. It helped that we watched Gladiator the night before we went there, but the glory of violence will never leave this place. the barbarism of these times and the power held by the Romans is simply remarkable. The story I enjoyed the most was due to the lack of exotic animals being ran out for the bored masses, one emperor decided the time was nigh to introduce crocodiles. Needless to say without water, it was the easiest battle any gladiator had. he was most likely beheaded for having an easy draw after that victory.
Here are some quick titty bits about Italy, a fast five if you will:
- Italy is home to the awkward sized stair. Seriously does no-one measure these things?! One is big, the next is tiny, the next requires a man named Giovanni to air lift you via crane. Fix your shit Italy.
- The people are the most generous, passionate, friendly folk you could ever hope to encounter. Their culture is rich and long, but the nicest thing to see is the respect they have for their elders. Although if yo don't show respect, Nona will take you down with the piece of salami she's holding
- The food is orgasmic. There is no need for further explanation
- The transport system appears to have no watch. Italians run their own concept of time which usually doesn't include regulars increments such as minutes. At least every journey was an adventure.
- Finally, Italy is glorious. It is cultured, varied, ancient and modern. It is everything you think it will be and so much more.